Those are just rumors, or not?
– The most told stories about migrants
Migration: Myths and Facts.
• Participants analyze and understand the effects of the problem that revolves around the rumours and myths created in the local, national and global level, on the issue of migration, migrants and refugees, and which are spread through the mass media and virtual social networks.
• In collaborative groups, participants recognize the most told stories about migrants, it means the most widely spread rumours and myths around the subject of migration.
• The groups generate solutions and reactions to reduce or avoid the spread of myths and to increase access to reliable information on the issue of migration and refugees.
Expected Outcomes
After the workshop participants learn how recognize the elements of communication and the aspects that characterize a rumour or a contemporary myth; develop critical thinking regarding to the subject of migration and how the effects of myths can affect migrant and refugee people.
Target group
Youth and Adults (over 18 years old) preferably, from any socio-economical or cultural group
The number of participants: 12 - 28 people
(1 - very easy, 5 - very difficult)
The degree of expertise needed - 3
The amount of work to prepare and implement the scenario - 3
The relative overall cost predicted - 3
2 h 30 min (with two breaks of 10 minutes each)
The most suitable space for the accomplishment of the session is a room with capacity for 25-30 people, with sufficient chairs for each participant, initially arranged around the projection screen but in the moment of the working groups formation, they should have enough space between them in order to enable a better concentration, listening and analysis.
Slides projector and projection screen; flipchart and markers; sheets with clippings; sheets with the characteristic of the contemporary myths and rumours with a brief description.
Facilitator prepares questions previously for the Activity 1 on the flipchart.
Before the plenary, the slides with the analyzed articles should be also prepared.
The format of evaluation of the session is elaborated by the facilitator, taking into account criteria such as the level of difficulty of the activities, theme, management of the theme by the facilitators and methodology.
To carry out the activity “Quiz on refugees and migrants”, facilitator can invite to the session an immigrant or refugee or asylum seeker, who is citizen in the local community and has been living 1 year or longer in the locality, in order to help the group to approach the reality, providing real facts that allow to unveil the rumours and myths. It is necessary to inform previously to the guess about the questions that will be asked in the quiz activity and also, about the time and methodology, so that he/she can be prepared in advance.
Facilitator begins by introducing his/herself and immediately requiring each participant to introduce him/herself by saying only his/her name. Trainer gives to the participants a paper tape and marker to write their names on it and stick it in a visible place of their bodies.
Then, the facilitator explains in broad terms the objective of the session and mentions the activities according to the structured order, the exact time stipulated for the session included. (10 min)
Presentation of the subject (20 min)
Facilitator talks about the information on the topic of migration and immigrants that has been appearing in the mass media (television, newspapers, radio, etc.) and social networks (Facebook, Tweeter, etc.) and also asks the participants if they have seen, read this information, where and what they read. In addition, what was their reaction to that information, have they shared it or have told others about it.
Then, facilitator introduces the next activity, during which the participants should be organized in groups of 4 people, arranging the chair for group work, separated from one another, so that the concentration and listening are not affected.
Group activity 1 – “Those are just rumours, or not?” (20 min)
The facilitator distributes to each group a sheet with the newspaper clipping of an article concerning the issue of migration or migrants and refugees (see examples in Annex 1-5). When each group has the copy, the facilitator explains that participants have to first read the article and then, in group, analyze it and answer the following questions (this questions should be written on the flipchart previously and be arranged in a visible way to the participants):
- Is it a rumour or not? Why do you consider this information a rumour or a fact?
- Do you have any references about this newspaper or magazine? What do you know about it?
- Would you share this article or information with people you know?
- How do you think a migrant or refugee could react if he/she would read it?
At the end of the analysis, each group is asked to share their conclusions and reflections with the rest of participants. The facilitator notes key aspects on the flipchart.
Break (10 min)
Projection of slides (10 min)
The facilitators presents the slides with schemas referring to this topic, which will be brief and clearly explained (Annex 6).
Group activity 2 – “What a rumour!” (10 min)
In the same groups, the participants are asked to identify and analyze in the article the characteristics of the contemporary myths and rumours.. Each group receives a sheet with the elements of contemporary myths and rumours (Slides 8 and 9).
Plenary – Analysis and comments (20 min)
In the end, in plenary, each group shares with the other the most important reflections. Meanwhile, the facilitator shows the articles on slides for the observation of all groups.
Break (10 min)
Activity 3 – “Quiz on refugees and migrants” (30 min)
In order to dismantle the most told myths and rumours about migrants, participants have the opportunity to resolve their doubts and concerns through the participation of a migrant, who, as a first-hand source and responds to them based on his/her own experience. This activity helps to have direct contact with a “character of the legends”.
With the invited person, who is coming from the local community of migrants or refugees, the facilitator makes a round of questions and answers. The questions are as follow (3 min for answering each question):
What do you think,...:
- Is there more crimes and sexual assaults in this city or in the country, due to the arrival of migrants and refugees?
- Are the immigrants taking jobs from nationals?
- Are all refugees people with little formation or without higher education?
- Is the migration a problem for the country or community that receives them?
- Can migration end up the native culture of the host country?
The guest answers these same questions referring to facts, especially from his/her own experience and that of his/her friends. If necessary, the facilitator can provide support to the group and to the guest facilitating communication between them, especially, if language problems arise.
Brief recap by the facilitator (10 min)
Facilitator presents some proposals for solutions on how to react to a myth or rumour and how to prevent the spread of it. He/she asks participants what they think to do from now, when they face with a new article or headline like the ones they have analyzed, and how will be their reaction now..
Facilitator can also suggest participants to consult Website specialized in checking rumours and fake news like, ThoughtCo.,, or B.S. Detector, and also to search in Internet (or even, to create) apps or browser extensions, which automatically alert them if accessed sites or information is dubious or a fake. It is in case they do not purpose this kind of solution.
Evaluation of the session (5 min)
The facilitator gives each participant an evaluation sheet of the activity, so that they will complete it briefly (if required).
Support tools
Sheets for the Activity 1 with clippings (can be found in the Web related journalistic material, national or local and according to the language needs of the group), and slides.
Sheets with the characteristics of communication with a brief description for the Slides for the projection.
Lecture “Behind the headlines: investigating the drivers and impacts of global migration” of Professor Hein de Haas of University of Amsterdam, specialised in migration and social cohesion, invited by Oxford Martin School. 10th November 2015. YouTube:
Council of Europe. Intercultural Cities Programme. Web Anti-rumours:
8 sitios web y utilidades para cazar bulos y fake news:
Get your facts right – 6 fact checking websites that help you know the truth:
Fact Check Websites for Religion, Email Scams, Hoaxes and Urban Legends:
ThoughtCo.: Fakes, rumors and hoaxes: A project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center:
Ideas for action
The workshop can be implemented in secondary schools but after reduce the duration time. Even, may include the contemporary myths and rumours spread in the local and national press.
Created by Foundation IRSE
Social-educational initiative centre PLUS
Make it Better
Ecos do Sur
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi¬ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Fundacja IRSE
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