Looking for Support

Mutual Cooperation among migrants and civil society


The workshop aims to improve the knowledge of the city and the resources it offers

Expected Outcomes

At the end of the session, participants will:

- have greater security in the city

- improve the knowledge of the city

- expand the group of friends


Target group

Youth, Adults (over 18 years old)

Mixed group of local people and immigrants

Number of participants:  4 - 16 people



(1 - very easy, 5 - very difficult)

The degree of expertise needed - 2

The amount of work to prepare and implement the scenario - 3

The relative overall cost predicted - 3



3 hours (with one break before the final presentation/s)


Room with space enough for all people (broad tables and chairs) and with possibility to modify the spaces



Copy of data collection sheet (Annex 1) and city map (one per participant), pens, colourful stickers, tables, chairs


The facilitator should bring the city maps, stickers and the copy of Annex 1 to hand over the participants.



The session begins with the presentation of the facilitator and the introduction to the activity they are going to carry out. Make clear that the activity is aimed to promote the integration of immigrants and to improve their knowledge about the city where they live, to share information and expand their comfort zone. (5 min)



First part


1. Explanation of the task (15 min)

The facilitator distributes data collection sheet (Annex 1) to each person. On this sheet are included several columns, the first one for themselves and an additional one for the colleagues to interview.

On each row there are different questions to be answered:

- personal data: (name, profession and place of origin)

- your best known places (districts) of the city

- general information about social entities

- employment or training and educational institutions

- leisure places

- health centres.


2. Individual work (15 min)

The facilitator asks participants to fill in the first column of the documents indicating places they already know.


3. Interviews (30 min)

After that each participant should interview four another people from the group and write down their answers in the data collection sheet. To to the work more structured the facilitator can divide the participants into small working groups of five persons, which will interview one another. It's requested to create mixed group of local people and immigrants.


Second part


1. Individual map location (30 min)

The facilitator give to each participant the map of the city and the coloured stickers (different colours and different shapes). Each one individually is asked to locate on the map the places indicated in his/her column (use stickers of different colours for each section, but with the same shape).


2. Map location in the group (30 min)

The facilitator asks participants to mark in his/her  individual map the locations of the rest of the participants he/she interviewed. This phase is carried out again in the groups since participants have to explain each other where it is and what it consists of. For marking the places participants should use the stickers with another shape, but the same colour for each section.


Third part


The facilitator ask participants to present the results of their work. Each group explains which location, they consider most important, if they discovered any new. They can share the tips how to reach the place or any other useful information. (45 min)




Start the conclusion with the questions:

-Did you discovered any new places in the city?

-Has the activity helped you anyhow to get a wider or a more clear knowledge of the city?

-Do you think it is important to interact with people from outside your group of friends in order to expand the knowledge?


At the end of the session, the facilitator should encourage the continuity of the group in other activities. It is a good time for people to exchange telephones, and even promote a group visit somewhere in the city. (15 min)


Support tools




Ideas for action

It's recommended to divide this workshop in three parts, which will be conducted in three days (1 hour per day) even as within some training action so that the sense of belonging to the group increases.

It can also be used with young people as for  international activities (youth exchanges) as a way of getting to know different cultures. In this case, the interview sheet should be modified and include the new topics on which you want to work (eg cities, gastronomy, games, etc.).



Annex 1: Data collection sheet

Annex 2: Example of stickers


Created by Ecos do Sur





Social-educational initiative centre PLUS


Make it Better


Ecos do Sur





The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi¬ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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